The Final Large Volume: The Adventure Chronicles

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The Adventure Chronicles is the book that contains the stories from the individual books.  Here is a brief description: The Adventure Chronicles is the grand finale of Annie Meadows children series of books.  The collection incudes all 7 prior released individual books, yet includes never released story #8, and the final story  #9 which reveals the secret of the adventure!  The stories teach valuable life lessons for children and adults who decide to remain young at heart: True love & friendship, Respect for your elders, Manners & Etiquette, Generosity, Purposeful Ambition, Time management, Appreciation, Jealousy & Envy, and Truth!

Do you believe in true friendship and lasting love? Love comes to us in many packages, but the best of all is the love that comes at Christmas time!  Connor was a silly little rabbit and unfortunately did not realize just how special he was. He was often lonely, yet his heart was soft.  He longed to be loved by everyone, but true friendship was something he would learn did not come without sacrifice.  Friendship was something to be given firstly.

THE WISE ELDERLY OWL (Respect For Your Elders):
The adventure continues……good advice and sound guidance are offered, and in the end, a wise and respected ‘friend’ is honored.

THE CAT WITH MANNERS (A Birthday Story):
A special cat, named Do-Button leads by example as he teaches proper manners, and social skills to his friends while he celebrated a special land-mark in his life.  Such Fun!!!

A stingy little squirrel named Buster, resides in the misty green forest in the North of England at the Southern Border of Scotland. He is blind to the less than generous way he treats his fellow creatures, and “learns a lesson the hard way.” A wise old toad is there to offer advice and guidance. Follow me deep into the forest to find the truth!  Such an ADVENTURE!

Teaching about those who inspire our dreams.  A little girl grows up to be a famous author and returns home to find a secret friend still hiding within her beloved hometown library.  The adventure continues….

THE CLOCK FAMILY (Teaching Time Management):
Join the Clock Family as a typical day delivers a mysterious gift with a pleasant surprise! A bit of humor is included, and a lesson on the importance of time management is learned by all. And as two orphaned sisters find the love of a family, it is such a way to ‘continue the adventure’…..

The greatest is love.  Lessons come in many forms, but the shortness of life drives home an all too reality of life, and reveals the love between friends.

Teaching the harm of jealousy.  Two very different friends learn to embrace their uniqueness.

The final story in The Adventure Chronicles.  The untimate adventure is finally revealed…….won’t you join us?

1 review for The Final Large Volume: The Adventure Chronicles

  1. Tina Cypert

    Annie, your book is delightful and so full of wonder and things for children to imagine and learn ( and adults, if they haven’t learned already.). I have greatly enjoyed my first read, and it is still sitting by my couch because soon I will read it again. So happy for your release and all Jesus has planned for your book.

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